La Table de Nicolas

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Sobre La Table de Nicolas

Had tried to eat here back in December but no table available so when visiting area April/May made sure we had this reserved. Unfortunately the food was not what we had hoped. All had salmon ceviche starter which was a good sized option but generally felt to be quite bland. Then for mains whilst I had a veal chop which was nice and a good portion the others all selected Atlantic Trout. Not only did this lack flavour but the portions were so minuscule we felt our 10 month old grandson could have eaten it all! Not one we would recommend or return to.


Restaurante Francês; Restaurante Mediterrâneo; Restaurante Europeu; Restaurante Vegetariano,


7 rue James Close, 06600, Antibes França


Segunda: informação indisponível
Terça: informação indisponível
Quarta: informação indisponível
Quinta: 12:00 - 14:00
Sexta: 12:00 - 14:00
Sábado: 12:00 - 14:00
Domingo: informação indisponível

Horários sujeitos à alteração


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