Rinconcito Peruano

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Sobre Rinconcito Peruano

It started as a simple restaurant in the center of São Paulo, more frequented by Peruvian immigrants who wanted to miss their Christmas food. It was discovered by people from São Paulo and its fame spread by forming lines at the small restaurant. Today, it already has 10 units that are much better structured, but the quality of the food and its good prices remain the same. The ceviche is a must, as is the purple corn juice (with a taste similar to currants) and if you want, try Inca Cola, the phosphorescent yellow soft drink with a taste of tutti frutti. Order one of the arroces, a kind of rice mix with different meats, and finish with the alfajores or chocotejas and be happy.

Edgard Villar, Peruvian and head of the restaurant, arrived in the city years ago, with little money and a great desire to progress in Brazil. He started selling handicrafts on the 25 de Março, having all his merchandise seized. He then started selling food on the street, achieving with great effort the current success of the house.

COVID Report: working regurlary


Viajante Solo; Casal; Família; Amigos


Restaurante de Frutos do Mar; Restaurante Peruano, Casual


R. Antônio de Godói, 35 - Centro, São Paulo - SP, 01207-000, Brasil


Segunda: 12:00 – 18:00 (12h-15h30/19h-22h30 Unid. Al. Campinas)
Terça: 12:00 – 18:00 (12h-15h30/19h-22h30 Unid. Al. Campinas)
Quarta: 12:00 – 18:00 (12h-15h30/19h-22h30 Unid. Al. Campinas)
Quinta: 12:00 – 18:00 (12h-15h30/19h-22h30 Unid. Al. Campinas)
Sexta: 12:00 – 18:00 (12h-15h30/19h-22h30 Unid. Al. Campinas)
Sábado: 12:00 – 18:00 (12h-15h30/19h-22h30 Unid. Al. Campinas)
Domingo: Fechado (12h-18h Unid. Al. Campinas)

Horários sujeitos à alteração


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