Padaria Bella Paulista

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Sobre Padaria Bella Paulista

One of the things that impresses in São Paulo is the opening hours of things. The city never sleeps, and therefore, establishments also need to stay awake! Bella Paulista is one of those successful ventures that are open 24/7 and cater to all hungers and desires: bakery, snack bar, restaurant, hamburger, ice cream parlor, pastry shop, coffee shop, bar. Lots of people anytime you go, it's one of those great options for all times!

We recommend: order the croissant with cheese toasted on the grill, and you won't regret it. Follow with the lemon pie ice cream.


Viajante Solo; Casal; Família; Amigos


Café / Cafeteria; Casa de Sucos; Cervejaria; Doceria / Loja de Sobremesa; Hamburgueria; Lanchonete; Padaria; Pastelaria; Sorveteria, Casual


Rua Haddock Lobo, 354 - Cerqueira César, São Paulo - SP, 01414-000, Brasil


Segunda: Atendimento 24 horas
Terça: Atendimento 24 horas
Quarta: Atendimento 24 horas
Quinta: Atendimento 24 horas
Sexta: Atendimento 24 horas
Sábado: Atendimento 24 horas
Domingo: Atendimento 24 horas

Horários sujeitos à alteração


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