Pontal beach

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Sobre Pontal beach

Located next to the historic center, this beach is not suitable for bathing in the sea, but it is a good place to enjoy a late afternoon, having a beer or drink at one of the beach huts. It is common to have live music at the kiosks, which also serve snacks and dishes. A good option to relax after a day of sightseeing, or sunbathe and relax in the kiosk chairs!

COVID Report: working normally until latest infos, but get the most up-to-date info with locations. 


Viajante Solo; Casal; Família; Amigos


Natureza e parques, Praias


Av. Orlando Carpinelli, 4 - Pontal, Paraty - RJ, 23970-000, Brasil


Segunda: Atendimento 24 horas
Terça: Atendimento 24 horas
Quarta: Atendimento 24 horas
Quinta: Atendimento 24 horas
Sexta: Atendimento 24 horas
Sábado: Atendimento 24 horas
Domingo: Atendimento 24 horas

Horários sujeitos à alteração


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