Historic Center of Paraty

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Sobre Historic Center of Paraty

The Historic Center of Paraty is considered by UNESCO as “the most harmonious colonial complex” and is listed by IPHAN as a National Heritage Site. Suitable for calm walks, due to the currents that prevent the passage and circulation of cars, the colonial atmosphere hangs over the place! Great opportunity to photograph the landscape, mansions with large windows and churches dating back to the 19th century. Due to its irregular pavement, known as pé de moleque, we recommend comfortable shoes for a quiet and safe walk. Simply get lost in the colorful streets of Paraty and enter the charming and welcoming atmosphere of the place :)

Santa Rita Church: One of the most famous in the city, it was built by the hands of freed slaves in 1722. The style, Jesuit and Baroque, is remarkable both on the outside and on the inside. The devotion is to Santa Rita, but also to Our Mrs. of Conceição and Carmo. The Museum of Sacred Art is located next to the Church, with pieces of Portuguese origin and from the Vale do Paraíba.

Church of Nossa Senhora do Rosário and São Benedito: This tiny church in the heart of the Center has a golden altar inside. Also built by slaves, it dates from 1725.

Church of Our Mrs. dos Remédios: After many renovations and even demolition, its current form, in neoclassical style, was acquired in 1712. Its first construction was by the residents, honoring S. Roque, but it became dedicated to Our Lady by the will of D. Maria Jacome de Mello.

Covid Report: working regularly until the latest infos. More updates, check the location in advance.


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Pontos turísticos e de interesse, Áreas para passeios históricos a pé; Igrejas e catedrais; Locais educativos; Locais históricos; Locais religiosos e sagrados; Píeres e calçadões; Pontos de interesse


Centro Histórico, Paraty - RJ, Brasil


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Terça: informação indisponível
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Domingo: informação indisponível

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