Local Arts and Crafts

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Sobre Local Arts and Crafts

Whether to admire, understand the local culture or even take it home, some points are essential to immerse yourself in the rich cultural atmosphere of Paraty:

1) C.A.N.O.A. Indigenous Art: the Center for Native Arts Originating in the Americas brings together various pieces, such as necklaces, hammocks, ornaments, produced by different communities. Incredible pieces can be admired and purchased at the two units in Paraty: Rua Doutor Samuel Costa 240 and Rua do Comércio 364.(24) 3371-1422 and (24) 99326-1951. Every day from 9 am to 11 pm.

2) Ateliê Aércio Sarti: Born in Aracajú, graduated from the Colorado Institute of Arts (USA), the artist makes striking paintings, often featuring characters with elongated silhouettes, in addition to painting on truck canvas. Praça da Bandeira, 01, near the tourist wharf, open every day from 9:30 am to 8:00 pm (24 - 3371-4157).

3) Ateliê Aracati: here the artistic vein is expressed in old coins from all over the world, transformed into interesting pendants in the hands of Fernanda Strino and Marcelo Dalto. Rua Dona Geralda, 211, (24) 98834-3796. every day from 9 am to 12 pm, Monday to Friday also from 4 pm to 7 pm.

4) Atelier do Dalcir: an atelier focused on ceramics, including classes in contemporary and indigenous techniques. Beautiful pieces to admire and take away! (24) 3371-1214. Rua Santa Rita, 65. Consult timetable.

5) Patrícia Gibrail Atelier: exclusive works by the artist, with acrylic painting techniques on canvas, mixed techniques and decorative objects. Rua Comendador Jose Luis 375. Every day from 9 am to 5 pm. More info: (24) 99999-9942

Covid Report: working regularly until the latest infos. More updates, check the location in advance.


Viajante Solo; Casal; Família; Amigos


Museus, Galerias de arte; Museus de arte; Museus militares


R. Dr. Samuel Costa, 254 - Centro Histórico, Paraty - RJ, 23970-000, Brasil


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