Pequeá Beach and Engenho D'Água Beach

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Sobre Pequeá Beach and Engenho D'Água Beach

Pequeá beach has pleasant shade from the trees to enjoy the view without getting burned. Good infrastructure of restaurants and bars, it is a good option not far from the village! Praia do Engenho D’Água has great winds for those who love sailing water sports, also having pleasant trees that shade the sands. Its name is due to the Engenho D'Água Farm, dating from the 17th century, producer of sugar and brandy and listed by Condephaat. It has parking in front of the beach, with a restaurant and bar open in high season.




Viajante Solo; Casal; Família; Amigos


Natureza e parques, Praias


Pequeá, Ilhabela - SP, 11630-000, Brasil


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