TAJ Bar Foz

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Sobre TAJ Bar Foz

Taj Bar Foz, a reference in Indo-Asian cuisine, is also very conceptual in its decoration, harmonizing beautiful details of oriental culture. Added to the new musical trends, they reveal a charming and pleasant experience in the night of Iguaçu. The house's Happy Hour runs from 5pm to 9pm, with a resident DJ every day from 8pm. Every Thursday, guest musicians join the pick ups: it's the fifth E-live. On Friday, Sextaj features well-regarded electronic music projects accompanied by the promotion of Johnnie Walker Red, Black and Gold Reserve whiskeys: buy one get one! Also check out the Whiskey Club. In it, the member has exclusive privileges and advantages. With a guarantee of a quality program, the Taj Bar is the right choice to discover the best of Foz do Iguaçu's nightlife.

Tuesday to Sunday, Rotation from 18:00 to 23:00. Tour Details: Includes Standard Oriental Rodízio R$99.90 or Prime Oriental Rodízio for R$129.90 (2022).

Schedule with Loumar: https://www.loumarturismo.com.br/passeios-em-foz-do-iguacu/36/taj-bar-rodizio-oriental

Covid Report: working regularly until the latest infos. More updates, check the location in advance. 


Viajante Solo; Casal; Família; Amigos


Vida noturna,


R. Mal. Floriano Peixoto, 799 - Centro, Foz do Iguaçu - PR, 85851-020, Brasil


Segunda: Closed
Terça: 18h
Quarta: 18h
Quinta: 18h
Sexta: 18h
Sábado: 18h
Domingo: 18h

Horários sujeitos à alteração


Google: 4.3
Facebook: N/A

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