Iguaçu National Park

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Sobre Iguaçu National Park

The great moment has arrived that cannot be left out of your itinerary, the Iguaçu National Park, where the Iguaçu Falls are located, on the Brazilian side. The park is organized and very easy to visit. Buses leave at all times from the Visitors Center and take you to the Porto Canoas restaurant. There are three stops along the way: at the entrance to the Poço Preto Trail, at Macuco Safari and at the exit to the Waterfall Trail. Get off at the Trilha das Cataratas stop to make the 1.2 km panoramic circuit that takes in several secondary falls (all super photogenic) until you reach the majestic Throat of the Devil. At the end of the trail, a footbridge leads up to the waterfall -- wet weather is guaranteed, so be sure to bring a cape. The Brazilian park is privileged in the postcard aspect: your best photos will be from here. But as the panoramic circuit is relatively short, it takes little time. Taking it slow, stopping a lot to take pictures, and taking a nice spray shower on the catwalk, you should complete the circuit in just over 90 minutes.

The entrance fee to the park costs R$ 40 per person (includes entrance, internal bus and Fundo Iguaçu fee). Parking costs R$ 22. You can buy your ticket in advance on the website and avoid queues.

COVID Report: it is already working with the necessary protocols such as temperature measurement and mandatory masks throughout the period. Tickets must be purchased online during this period, there will be no on-site sales. The Porto Canoas station, which includes the restaurant, snack bar, jewelry store, shop and cafe is still closed until the latest information. More info at (45) 9137-3444 (Whatsapp) and (45) 3521-4400 and tickets online at https://cataratasdoiguacu.com.br/ingressos/


Viajante Solo; Casal; Família; Amigos


Natureza e parques,


Rod - BR-469 - Km 18, Foz do Iguaçu - PR, 85853-830, Brasil


Segunda: Closed
Terça: 09:00 – 16:00
Quarta: 09:00 – 16:00
Quinta: 09:00 – 16:00
Sexta: 09:00 – 16:00
Sábado: 09:00 – 16:00
Domingo: 09:00 – 16:00

Horários sujeitos à alteração


Google: 4.8
Facebook: N/A

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