Parque das Aves

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Sobre Parque das Aves

When you enter Parque das Aves, that feeling that you are in a place where animals are trapped will soon go away. Starting with the fact that 50% of the birds that are there were rescued from trafficking and probably have some kind of sequel, and 43% were born in the park itself. Located next to the Iguaçu National Park, the park has flamingos, parrots, owls, toucans, harpies, macaws, vultures, hawks, snakes, alligators, turtles and much more. Altogether there are more than 1300 birds of 143 species in an area of ​​16.5 hectares of Atlantic Forest.

The great attractions of Parque das Aves are the nurseries, which allow us to really live with the animals. In the Pantanal Nursery, there are toucans and herons. At Viveiro Floresta, toucans live with thrushes and rooks. There is also the largest nursery in the world specializing in macaws and a butterfly garden full of butterflies and hummingbirds. Walking through the park is already an attraction, as the trails are full of beautiful trees. You can even take a picture with a macaw in hand at the end of the attractions. You can skip the lines and buy your ticket through the venue's website.

Covid Report: working now! Ticket purchase must be made via the website: and mandatory mask use.


Viajante Solo; Casal; Família; Amigos


Natureza e parques,


Av. das Cataratas, 12450 - KM 17,1 - Vila Yolanda, Foz do Iguaçu - PR, 85855-750, Brasil


Segunda: Closed
Terça: 08:30 – 16:30
Quarta: 08:30 – 16:30
Quinta: 08:30 – 16:30
Sexta: 08:30 – 16:30
Sábado: 08:30 – 16:30
Domingo: 08:30 – 16:30

Horários sujeitos à alteração


Google: 4.7
Facebook: N/A

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